Zurück in die dreißiger Jahre?

Es ist für alle Beobachter des Weltgeschehens klar, dass antidemokratische und faschistische Kräfte überall in Europa und in den USA auf dem Vormarsch sind. Sehr gut fasst das Jonathan Freedland im Guardian in diesem Kommentar zusammen: Inspired by Trump, the world could be heading back to the 1930s:

Put starkly, the norms and taboos established after the world witnessed the Holocaust are eroding before our eyes. For 70-odd years, roughly the span of a human life, they endured, keeping the lid on the darker impulses that, we had seen, lurked within all of us. It steadily became taboo to voice undiluted racism and xenophobia. Those fears, those loathings of the stranger, never went away, of course. But they were held in check, partly by the knowledge of where such hatred, unrestrained, could lead.

Now, in the US, Italy, Hungary, Poland and elsewhere, the restraints are off. There even seems to be a macho thrill in breaking the taboo, in echoing the words and deeds of that darkest era in human history. It’s as if the boundaries that were drawn after 1945, demarcating acceptable human behaviour, were mere lines in the sand – and now the tide is coming in.

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